A neglected garden

I haven't taken to blogging a second time around (obviously). Last time I blogged, which was from 2005-2010, I had an anonymous blog. That was incredibly freeing. I wrote whatever I wanted about anything I wanted. I used nicknames only, never posted photos showing faces, and I was honest and open, without fear of 'the wrong person' reading my words (whoever that might be. At the time, mainly people who might roll their eyes and say she is SUCH a drama queen - or something equally unkind/true). Blogging under my own name is not so much fun. I feel really self-conscious and stilted. So I've been working away, doing a ton of writing, but none of it here. Very unsociable I know. This blog has wilted and become overgrown with weeds. I'm happy to accept that blogging as a writer isn't going to be my thing, but I'll leave this blog up as a way for anyone to get in contact, should the need arise. And I'll go take a wander around the many thriving gardens.


Six degrees


Off & running ...