Off & running ...

I really did it. Quit my job, walked away. Left a perfectly respectable position that gave me status, respect and good pay to try something for which I have little training and dubious aptitude. Sometimes I can hardly believe what I've done. Thank goodness I have a small part-time job in the pipeline and a supportive husband! Strangely, I'm not sad. If anything, I'm a little relieved. I think I was ready to move on. But with the relief there is also a huge fear - the fear of failure, fear of mediocrity, fear that I'll find myself floundering and uncertain and rudderless as a writer. I'm trying to sit with that fear. 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. That sort of thing. I figure this is all normal.I've started a couple of stories since the big change. Both seemed like good ideas when I began but withered, mid-story. I'm unsure whether to persevere and see what they're like once completed or whether to cut my losses. The usual writer's dilemma, I suppose. I tell myself that all writing is good practice, whether the story ends up being 'a winner' or not. Guess I'll go see what I can do with those dodgy stories now ...


A neglected garden

