News & weather

 I haven't posted for awhile. It's not that I haven't written posts. In fact I've written two in the last few weeks, but when I finished each of them, I realised that I couldn't press publish.  Though I wrote each piece with care, I knew the people I'd referred to might recognise themselves, if they somehow stumbled here. They might feel misrepresented, or resent being discussed. So I've said nothing at all. The safer option. What can I say? I can say that I am so grateful for my writing group and my other writing buddies, both in real life and online. They share their knowledge, make me laugh and are writing cheerleaders. Often they keep me going when I'd otherwise lose faith. They are phenomenal. If you're reading this, you're probably one of those people, so thank you. I can say that I've finally reached the goal word count for my short story manuscript. (Now the editing begins!)And I can say that here in Brisbane it is fine and cold and glorious. Perfect writing weather. Wishing you all a very happy writing week!


Sending words into the world


The week in which I got a big head (twice), but then got over myself