A crazy, good Monday
Monday morning I was dialling my 'other mother' Lynsey, who lives on Vancouver Island, to wish her a happy 80th birthday. As the phone rang, my eyes flicked to my computer screen, and I saw an email from Will Dawson, executive director of the Emerging Writers Festival, letting me know I'd been shortlisted in the 2018 Richell Prize. My heart almost stopped. I'd been stunned to get longlisted last month, let alone making it any further. I talked to Lynsey for about an hour, then got off the phone and stared for awhile at the emails and tweets and messages coming in. My eyes filled with tears. I started replying. After awhile, I messaged my husband and my best friend. I called my dad. I called my mum. When I collected my kids from school they were excited, but that night, my son was disgusted to discover I hadn't posted on social media. I tried to explain that several other writers had posted on my behalf, that I'd received heaps of congratulations and I didn't want people to feel they had to do it all over again. He was still unimpressed. "Nope. You should have posted. That's what you do.” Then I worried that the judges or Richell prize organisers and supporters would think I wasn't grateful for the shortlisting, which is the furthest thing from the truth. I am so thrilled, and so thankful. So here I am today, posting about my Monday, which was the very best Monday of my life.