How to write - a manual for distractible writers

Step 1. Check email, in case you have won some nationwide competition or had a world-renowned journal accept one of your stories. Step 2. Check Facebook. There could be a writing opportunity on a page you've liked. Or a cute puppy video. Step 3. Check Twitter. You may hear some interesting news that prompts you to write a brilliant new piece of fiction. Or creative non-fiction. Or a cool sort of limerick. Step 4. Check Instagram. You may get good ideas for a snack. Step 5. Get a snack. And a drink while you're at it. Step 6. Sit back down. Open your document. Yes, just go to the toilet. Be quick. Step 7. Write. Stay there. Do not access the internet, ring people or text people. Write. Step 8. Briefly congratulate self. You're writing! Step 9. Keep writing. 


Talking around my toes


In praise of Twitter