Owls that come from nowhere


I realised today that birds almost always appear in my stories. Birds call, hop and peck, or even swoop past in the night (like the owl in my latest story). But I never plan it. I never think to myself, 'O-ho, I might just stick a bird in here. Yes, perhaps a magpie.' It's not like that at all. The bird just appears. Thinking about the birds got me pondering just how much I love writing (when I'm not hating it, that is). I love the fact that I sit down with only the vaguest idea what I'm going to write about, and then characters appear and do things, and even birds arrive and do birdlike things. It's like a movie the way it all pans out. And once I've worked on a story for awhile, it becomes so real and true in my head, I almost believe it all actually happened (I don't truly believe it; I'm not crazy. Or so I tell myself). So I'm wondering if other writers have recurring creatures or objects? I don't mean themes or topics, I mean the weird mouse that's always in the corner or your characters forever eating cheese. What is your 'bird'? I'd love to know.


Dogged persistence


Reasons to write (by Charlotte Wood)