
So I guess I deserved this. What did I think would happen when I declared myself practically immune to writing rejection? Ha! Karma swung around and bit me on the butt. It turns out I am totally fine with receiving writing rejections ... sometimes. Those times include - when I don't expect to get accepted anyway, when the rejections are spaced far apart, and possibly also when there's something else exciting going on in my life. On the other hand, it seems I am not remotely good with rejection when I get three knockbacks in just over 24 hours. In fact, I am a sulky, sooky baby (yes, I know, first world problems). I've tried eating a hell of a lot of ice-cream, but that has been unsuccessful. So I thought I'd 'write it out'. Verbally pout and gnash my teeth. I feel a bit better already :) If you'd like to add to my complaints with some of your own, feel free. It doesn't have to be about writing - any whining is welcome. There will be no judgement, only empathy!


Comfort for writers


Taking rejection like a ‘Boss’